Zonta International
Women in
"Women’s progress in the last century has dramatically increased the opportunities available to women. Yet, women’s participation in leadership positions in science, technology, engineering, and math continues to lag behind. “While women receive over half of bachelor’s degrees awarded in the biological sciences, they receive far fewer in the computer sciences (18.2%), engineering (19.2%), physics (19.1%), and mathematics and statistics (43.1%) (NSF, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering, 2015).” Therefore, the goal of Zonta International Women in STEM Scholarship is to encourage women to pursue a higher education degree in science, technology, engineering or math while also encouraging leadership achievements in science, technology, engineering, and/or math and a dedication to the advancement of the status of women."
Application Deadline: July 31, 2024
Send Application to: zontadallaswomeninstem@gmail.com
Application Summary: Encouraging women to pursue education, career opportunities, and leadership roles in STEM fields. In 2019 and 2021, Zonta International was pleased to support the Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarships to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in information technology. In June 2022, the Zonta International membership voted to continue the program with an expanded focus on all STEM fields, not only technology. With this change, the Zonta International Board approved a name change and will offer the Zonta International Women in STEM Scholarship for the third cycle of the scholarship program.
Application Requirements:
Applicant may be of any age or nationality
Applicant must be pursuing a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) degree program at an accredited university/college/institute.
Applicant must demonstrate outstanding potential in the field and are living or studying in a Zonta district/region.
Zonta Club of Dallas will award (1) recipient in the amount of $1,000. Eligible recipients of the Zonta Club of Dallas award will be forwarded for consideration to be the recipient of the Zonta District 10 award of $1,000.
Applicants must be enrolled in school by September 15, 2024 - Applicant must not graduate prior to April 2025
Students must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final year of a master’s program at the time the application is submitted to the local Zonta club.
Verification of current enrollment must be submitted with application. Note that acceptance letters are not verification of enrollment and will not be accepted.
Applicants for the 2024 Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship may NOT also apply for the 2024 Women in STEM Scholarship.